May 18 2016 – Delikate Rayne

Have you ever wanted to dye your locks a vibrant outrageous color? However, a slew of objections stopped you dead in your tracks. It’s not work appropriate? Too far past your prime for those wild hair days? It will damage your hair past the point of return? Well, what if you only had one day left to live; would you do it then? Carpe Diem, baby! In the spirit of ceasing all of life’s glorious moments and living like everyday is your last, we have styled up the best cruelty-free hair colors to remind us all just how vibrant and beautiful can be. There is something sublimely liberating about dyeing your hair an exhilarating shade of red in the middle of a cold, gray winter or bright blonde at the height of summer. Fortunately, these days, there are many cruelty-free hair colors. No matter whether you prefer an all-natural dye, a quick pick-up jar from the beauty supply store, a semi-permanent color, or a salon service, there is a little something to help us all brighten up our days.

*Hover over product images for price and purchase info
Images via tumblr
Words written by Mallory Maupin